Source: Troy Hanna, AddressTwo. Blog
Tip #1 – Making your landing page easily say what you want your viewer to do
Having a very clear “call to action” is the best way to utilize a landing page that is linked to your email marketing campaign. When a person lands on a web page you want to give them a way that they can take an action to either sign up, buy now, call today or whatever action you would like them to take. By having an aim for that landing page you can increase your conversions and truly get an ROI from your email marketing efforts.
Tip #2– Keeping it simple
It is hard to not say everything about every single product that you may have to offer or the details of your full line of services. You don’t want to overload your viewers with too much. By keeping it simple and clean you can get a direct message across and will have a much better chance of getting a conversion or call over trying to overload them with as much information as possible.
Tip #3 – Does the link in the email relate to the content of the landing page?
Let’s say you are advertising a blue sweater in your email campaign. Create the link that will land them right on the page where they can buy it on the spot. Many beginners to email marketing will just link the customer to the homepage of their website which is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. Keep it simple and give the customer what they want, don’t send them on a search to find the product they clicked on in the first place!
Tip #4 – Use a checklist to double check your campaigns
Have you ever made a mistake in an email or article? Who in the heck hasn’t! By creating a simple checklist for yourself you can quickly go over the major pieces where it is easy to make a mistake and ensure that your bases are covered.
Things to check:
· Am I sending this to the right list?
· Have I spell checked it?
· Do all my links work?
· Do they link to the correct pages?
· Are the images clickable?
Just by checking over these pieces you can save yourself some quick embarrassment.
By creating landing pages that make it easy on your customers and give them a clear direction you can create a great return from your marketing efforts.